Shew… it’s been a little while since I’ve posted. There has been so much going on, I’m not quite sure where to begin. The Holidays were a whirlwind. As much as I tried to get most things done to prepare for the holiday early, I was still making preparations right up to the bitter end. For some reason I had pictured in my mind a December where I would sit back and relax while knitting and quilting by the fire. Uhhh… that didn’t happen. I actually don’t know why I ever thought it would. I managed to get Nolan’s Christmas stocking knitted and hung by the fire with care by the night before Christmas Eve. Nothing like waiting til the 11th hour. I’ll have to post pictures of it later. (I just realized I forgot to take one.) If I am adding it all up correctly, Nolan’s stocking would be the 17th stocking I have knitted for family members over the years. I have an 18th to make this year, as my sister is due in February. Last year I was on bed rest during the holidays, so I think this year I was trying to make up for that. I baked waaay to much, tried to make waaay to many handmade gifts, and ran around completing errands waaay to much. It was Nolan’s first Christmas and I wanted everything to be special and to begin to make some new traditions.
Let’s see… what else. I went ahead and got a jump on my New Years Resolution. This is the year I am going to lose weight. I am damn determined to finally get it off. All 50 lbs. of it! I decided after a shopping trip that I was going to have to get serious about losing weight. I was having trouble fitting into the clothes at store I used to always shop at. Apparently these stores don’t want the big girls sportin’ their style. I used to be a solid size 6. I used to walk in these stores and pick something off the rack and take it home. I wouldn’t even need to try it on. Not so much now. Shirts don’t button up over my boobs and if they do they have that oh so lovely gap. Pants don’t look right, (i.e. muffin top) etc… You know the story. Anyway… it was pretty depressing. So after I binged on some holiday cookies and feeling sorry for myself for a little while, I bit the bullet and got myself a personal trainer. I started my workouts the Monday after Thanksgiving. I know what you’re thinking…the holidays are only like the worst time ever to start a diet, but I figured it was just like any other day. It was just another excuse to not diet. I have been lifting weight with the trainer 3 times a week and following his diet and I am proud to say that as of today, six weeks into it, I am 13 lbs. lighter. I still have a long way to go, but 13 pounds is 13 pounds! (and that is during the holidays… I kinda feel like saying Boo-ya!) Now I am adding in cardio. I’m signing up to do the Cooper River Bridge Run at the end of March. I am making goals and sticking with it. (hide yo boyfriends laaaadies! I’m bringing Sexyback. tee hee.)
Okay, next. Anthony, Nolan, Fletcher, my mom and I did the Running of the Lights at Tanglewood on New Years Eve. It’s a 5.5K race that takes you thru the Festival of the Lights at Tanglewood Park. It starts at midnight and it is a lot of fun. We walked it, but maybe next year I’ll run it. Who knows.
Ummm, what else…. Nolan turns one tomorrow. I can’t believe it’s been a year. At this time last year I was having contractions and trying really hard to deny that I was having contractions. He is such a great baby. I am so lucky to be his and Fletcher’s mom! I’ll post pictures of his party. We are going with the Animal Cookies Theme. It came out kind cute. If anyone has suggestions on how to make red icing with out it tasting super nasty from all the food coloring you have to add to it, I’d be glad to know.
To sum up the longest post ever…. everything is good here, boys are happy and healthy which makes me happy. I’m working on the healthy- that’s top priority. I WANT to quilt. I did not make or finish very many quilts last year and I plan to do better this year. I have some to complete and many I want to start. I have my brain full of new ideas that I want to make for Flaunt. I have tutorials I want to share….blah, blah,blah. I want to thank you all for stopping by my blog and taking the time to read it. It’s kinda a good feeling knowing that there are people out there that stop by.
Oh yeah, that picture way, way, way back up there at the top is the beginnings of a new quilt.
I’ll just say… Swoon, Pat Bravo, Kona. Stay tuned ….