Today I took my first official outing with Nolan. (I’m talking about going somewhere besides the pediatrician.) You know exactly where we went, too. Of course, we went to the fabric store. Of course, I bought fabric. Of course, I am thinking of starting another quilt. Of course, (as established in the last post) I am crazy!
It’s good to get them used to it early.
I’m sure this won’t be his last trip to that store!! hehe
Of course: you’re quite sane! And Practical: according to your book just sane, practical and happy!
Enjoy, this is a MUST!
Love, Irene from Amsterdam
What a wonderful, colorful outing! I’m sure Nolan had a blast.
Never too soon to get Nolan looking at pretty colors!
Well, have fun when ever you get around to it.
My o my… you are a force of nature! Have fun! B
I got to hold Nolan for 30 minutes!!!