Category Archives: baby

Where’s the Baby…There’s the Baby

Seven Months Old.

Time Flies.

My other little baby, Fletcher, starts the big K next week. Kindergarten! I’m not too sure this momma this gonna handle that too well. There was already a brief eposide in the grocery store while buying juice boxes and goldfish to pack the lunch box.

Month Six

Wow! Six months has gone by so fast! The boys have been keeping me busy. I am also in the middle of what I call, “Operation Clean Out This Huge Pile of Crap That Has Taken Over My House.” I just finished cleaning out and reorganizing the kitchen. The man at Goodwill and I have become pretty tight during this whole process. I have to say that having the kitchen all clean and organized ALMOST makes me want to cook. ALMOST! I still have the bathrooms and boys rooms to do. I’m not even going talk about the pile of junk hanging out in the basement, but I am ready to take a break from cleaning and sew a little bit.

I’m getting behind on my applique project, so this weekend I hope to get the ol’ sewin’ machine out and work on the pieced sashing. Cross your fingers for me!

Finished Quilts and Four Month Olds

I finally finished a quilt! It’s for my sweet little niece who turns 2 this week. I made it using this pattern, which I have to say, was super easy.
And I had to throw in a picture of this major cutie! He is now four months old. Time sure does go by fast. He is getting so big!

My Little Sewing Helper

Have you been wondering how someone with a 2 month old is able to get so much sewing done? This is why… so far my little buddy is very agreeable to the hum of the sewing machine. His brother used to sit on my lap as I was sewing, but now he has traded me in for his daddy, so this one will have to help me out while I’m sewing. (Fletcher only likes to help wind the bobbin now because he thinks he is driving a race car when he is pressing the petal.
This weekend my sister came over and we made this little pop over pinafore for little Marion’s big outing to go see Barney. I can’t believe that my sister lets her watch Barney! Not that Barney is bad, but it is super annoying to me. And Marion watching Barney means that my sister has to watch Barney. I for one could not take that. That’s why my kids will not be Barney fans.

Marion is, however, his #1 fan. She loves him and she will be the most stylish little girl at the show, for sure.

Baby + Quilt

Nolan is one month this week. I can’t believe it, one month already. Times goes by so fast. I already can’t remember Fletcher being this small (even though I know he was), so I am trying really hard to soak up every moment of it. In some of the quiet time, when Nolan is sleeping and Fletcher is at preschool, I put together another version of this baby quilt. It went together so quickly. (Rumor has it Karen has put together some kits with this pattern for the shop.)

Such Cuteness

If you’re sick of me posting pictures of this cuteness, just say the word and I’ll stop. Okay, who are we kidding…NO I WON’T. Nolan is doing good. His doctor says that he is a little wimpy in the eating department and he has a hard time putting on weight because of it (must take after his mother…yeah, right. I wish), but he is slowly but surely gaining a little bit.

This little guy has been doing plenty of this… (isn’t he sweet)
So while he has been doing that, I have been spending the quite time trying to get back into a little sewing.
It took me about a week to get the binding sewn on a little baby quilt, but I got it done. Too bad little Nolan won’t be using this one. I don’t think pink would be a good color for him. There is more to come. I have an all new UFO list made out for 2011.