I feel like Dory from Finding Nemo, “keep on swimming, keep on swimming.” Except in my case it is knitting. To be honest… I’m getting kinda sick of knitting. I have now been confined to bed rest for almost 4 weeks and mostly I have been knitting. I have sleeves left to do on Fletcher’s sweater, but I’m over knitting. (or maybe I’m over bed rest) I have thoughts in my head of maybe starting a hexagon quilt while I sit here. (just thoughts, though) What I really need to do is finish the hand applique quilt I started over 2 years ago. I only have a little left to do on it, but if I finish it, would my life still have purpose? What would I do without that project hanging over my head?!? See what you have time to sit and ponder when you have nothing else to do but sit.
Today was my weekly field trip to the doctors office so I did get to step out in the real world for a little bit. I’m 33 weeks prego now and goal #1 is to make it to 34 weeks, so this is good. Goal #2 is to get to 37 weeks. There is, according to my mom, a full moon and some lunar eclipse thingie which is occurring with the winter solstice which rarely ever happens all at the same time all going down tomorrow night. This could do strange things to a pregnant woman apparently, so we shall see. Keep your fingers crossed that this is just a theory. I’ll let you know how it all works out.