Well, my posts seem to be few and far between here lately. So much has been going on and at the same time nothing much. After market was over I was a little burned out and then everybody around here got sick. Everybody is better now, but to tell you the truth, I have really not felt much like sewing lately. I just can’t seem to get motivated to head to the basement and turn on the sewing machine. It is not for lack of things to sew. Believe me, I have plenty to get done, I just don’t feel like doing it. I would rather be with this cute little fireman. This was the first year I didn’t make his costume. I felt bad about it, but he didn’t mind one bit.

Anthony helped carve the Jack
O’lantern. Fletcher was supervisor. He inspected his daddy’s work very closely and we all agreed he did a good job.

I did briefly bring the sewing machine upstairs to work on the quilt for my disappearing 9-patch class. I am so excited about this class, because the ladies in the class are so excited. They are doing a great job on there quilts and they are inspiring.

I have been trying to keep this house clean. I will never understand how one man and one little boy can create so much laundry. Seriously!?! I feel like all I do is laundry. Did I mention how much I hate to fold laundry. It’s out of control.

We went to the mountains over the weekend and I did manage to get quite a bit done on the niece’s Christmas stocking. It is amazing what you can get done when you have no cell phone, no television and no computer. I have this stocking to finish and one more to make for my other niece before Christmas.
This weekend I am going on a quilt retreat to Black Mountain, NC which I am excited about. I had so much fun last time I went. I just need to decide what to take to work on. We’ll see.
Now I am headed to pick Fletcher up from preschool and see if there is any hope into bribing him into getting a haircut. He hates haircuts, so it’s a struggle. Wish me luck.
glad you are all feeling better…sick is no fun at all. that is one cute little fireman.
My nephew had that costume last year….it was very cute. Didn’t know you also knitted! We will focus this weekend and get a lot done!
Aww…the fireman costume is way too sweet!! Once I made my daughters’ carnival costumes all on my own..it was a little bit of work, but me and them were always happy with the final result!I know, folding laundry isn’t the funniest thing on earth, I know that so well!!!
Take care darling,