Knit One, Purl Two…Repeat…A Lot

The good thing about bed rest is there is not a lot to do besides knit, so I have been able to get things I probably would not have had time to make done. This baby is going to have a whole layette set by the time it is all said and done. I have been able to get the sweater I started a little while ago done and add some socks and a beanie to it. I still have left over yarn from the fair isle part of the sweater, so there might be some more beanies and socks coming. Judging from the cold weather we have been having, the baby is going to need them. Fletcher really wants a camouflage sweater, so that is in the works as we speak. It is coming along quickly, so maybe I will have something to show you in a couple of days. I have a baby quilt top I made before all of this bed rest stuff went down that I would have liked to have gotten done, but I guess I will just have to let that go. For now, it is no quilting, plenty of knitting.

3 Responses to Knit One, Purl Two…Repeat…A Lot

  1. Paige says:

    Your knitting looks great! Sorry about the no quilting part. Drop me a comment on Paper Starfish if you need anything form Winston!

  2. I imagine that’s going to be the best dressed baby around if you keep all this kitting up. Been thinking about you and hope you’re following doctor’s orders.

  3. Gorgeous baby duds! You’ve been busy, somehow I had a feeling you would be… even on bedrest! Take good care, my friend; I’m wishing you well.