Category Archives: family

Thank God I’m A Country Boy

Yup! Thank God I’ve got myself a little Country Boy!

Infant Car Seat Cover Tutorial

Alright, I’ve gotten another tutorial done. This one is for an Infant Car Seat Cover. A friend of mine made me one for Nolan and I love it. It’s perfect for keeping the cooties away from your little one when you are out and about. You can find it here or on my sidebar.
Just for the heck of it, I thought I would share a pic of BB (big brother) and LB (little brother).
I thought the newness would wear off for Fletcher and he wouldn’t be as interested in his LB, but this kid could not get enough of loving on his LB. He is a very good BB.

Yesterday was Fletcher’s first t-ball practice. He loved it. He is on a team with all his friends and he was so cute out on that field with all of them. It’s the same field his daddy played on when he was Fletcher’s age. 🙂

Push Present

I gave myself a little “push present”. I added Nolan to my charm necklace. Now it’s complete.

M.I.A. (Missing in Advance)

So, remember me saying that this pregnancy has been kicking my butt? Well, since I have some time on my hands, I thought maybe I would let you all know what’s been going on. In the middle of November, my son got sick with that nasty stomach virus that was going around. Well, you know that I was going to end up getting it,too…and I did. I got it so good in fact that I ended up getting to take a field trip to the hospital. After a shot to stop the vomiting and a couple of IV’s to rehydrate me, I got to come home the next morning. Everything was going better until I woke up on Thanksgiving morning sick. Here we go again, I thought. But surely it couldn’t be the same stomach virus. So after missing the Thanksgiving meal at my in-laws and then my parents, my husband took me on field trip numero two to the hospital. Guess what? I was in labor. How could this be?!? I was only 29 weeks. They took me into labor and delivery and started me on some wicked drugs to stop the contractions, steroids shots to help the baby’s lungs develop and all kinds of other things to prepared for a delivery. What the hell was happening!! Long story short, after 24 hours, the medicine worked and my contractions slowed and I still have a bun in the oven where it is supposed to be. Now I am at home on bed rest. It seems that except for the weekly trips to the doctor, this will be my view of the world for a while. They would like me to get to at least 35 weeks. I have Netflix, applique projects, knitting and books. I’ve also gotten tons of Christmas shopping done at The hubby is starting to see that being the mommy isn’t all bon-bons and soap operas. He has taken over housework, grocery shopping and all things Fletcher. My mom is really helping out and my in-laws are keeping Fletch occupied. (it is good to have family close by) Everything is looking good, except for the head cold I now have. Seriously, can you believe I have a cold now. Uhhh…(also, the one medicine the doctor said I could take has apparently been RECALLED) (of course it has, why wouldn’t it be?!?)
So that’s where I stand, Missing in Advance, not doing my usual running all over the place, teaching classes, quilting, etc. Just sitting here in my bed, making lists of things I want the hubby to do to get ready for the arrival of our baby. Hopefully later rather than sooner.

Happy Halloween!

Ahhhh, Halloween! Only like one of my all time favorite holidays. I love dressing up or in this case dressing Fletch and his cousin up. I fully acknowledge that my son will one day need therapy and that this will no doubt be one of the suppressed memories that will eventually come up. It was totally worth whatever it will cost me in therapy bills because this kid is C-U-T-E!
And this kid is super cute! I just want to squeeze those little cheeks.

Weather they know it or not, they made my day. I think my husband would have preferred his son be dressed as a super hero or something a little more “manly”. It nearly sent him over the edge when I added the make-up, but Fletch can dress that way when he is 10 and doesn’t want his mama to make his costume anymore. And one day when he is 18 and brings home a girlfriend, I know he will enjoy having his mama show her these pictures. I’m sure of it.

Baby, It’s Cold Outside…

Okay, it is really about 90 some degrees outside, but it will be cold outside when Anthony and I welcome our newest addition to the family this winter. Yep, that’s the big news! I am expecting. So I guess that explains where I have been for the last few weeks. Eat. Sleep. Puke. Repeat. No, and I mean absolutely NO sewing of any kind has been going on around here. (And you thought I was just being a slacker and taking the summer off.) Morning sickness, or should I say All Day sickness is kicking my butt. I have a ton of sewing and knitting to do, so as soon as I can get my butt off the sofa, I will have plenty to show you. I have a lot of things to make before the baby gets here! In the mealtime, oops I meant to say meantime, I’m hungry… I gotta go get something to eat. Talk with you soon.


Can somebody please tell me who said it was okay for this little bugger to grow up? My baby turned 4 on Sunday. I told him that he had to stay a baby, but he wouldn’t listen. Spiderman was the theme of the day. He loved every minute of it. Right down to his favorite cake from Dewey’s.
We spent his birthday and the holiday weekend at High Rock Lake. My brother and his family came and along with my parents and my sister’s family, we spent the weekend sunning, eating, swimming and having fun. To amuse my dad, who spent the weekend egging me on, I decided to wakeboard. (okay, I haven’t wakeboarded in years. I mean, when I say years, I mean like 10+ yeeeears!) I couldn’t let the old man tease me. So, I got in the cold lake water. I listened to hecklers from the shoreline. (including my 4 year old that keep yelling not to do it. That, quote, “I was tooo old”) And I wakeboarded. I got up on the wakeboard. I wakeborded until I thought I would crash going over the wake. I let go of the rope before I did a face plant in the water. I hurt my back wakeboarding. I hurt my arms and my legs and my hair!!

I need to stick with what any self respecting, too-old-to-wakeboard girl ought to. I need to stick to sewing.

These are a couple of the quilts I have in the works right now. My summer of, get some stinking UFO’s done continues….
good thing you don’t have to lift your arms above your head to sew…
(because I can’t)

By the way, I’m thinking a Giveaway might be in the works!

Guess Where I’ve Been..

I’ll give you a little hint…
Only like, the happiest place on earth. DISNEY!
I haven’t been to Disney since I was a little girl and my hubby and Fletch have never been. My parents decided that they were going to take the WHOLE family. We spent the last week there with my parents, my brother and his family, my sister and her family and my other brother’s little boy. It was great. It was jammed packed with things to do, it was non-stop going and seeing, it was so much fun! Like Fletcher, I didn’t want vacation to end. Many memories were made and it was just so nice to spend that time with my family.

A Wonky Sunday

Fletcher caught a virus (from a family member who shall remain nameless, but you know who you are and what you’ve done) so things have been quite around the house today while he was resting. I got a chance to make a few Wonky blocks while he was napping. I am going to make a small quilt alternating the star and log cabin blocks. I’m thinking about adding a pieced border to it. I’m just hoping I don’t get sick, too. And I’m really hoping the Hubby doesn’t get sick, if you know what I mean. (men can be so dramatic when they’re sick)

A Little Help, Please!

Gum Drop pillows are on my “to do” list and I got one done today. Fletch was my little helper when it came to stuffing them.
Needless to say, he enjoyed himself. Little boys! What more can I say…

I have a feeling I will be vacuuming up fiber-fil for quite some time.