So, remember me saying that this pregnancy has been kicking my butt? Well, since I have some time on my hands, I thought maybe I would let you all know what’s been going on. In the middle of November, my son got sick with that nasty stomach virus that was going around. Well, you know that I was going to end up getting it,too…and I did. I got it so good in fact that I ended up getting to take a field trip to the hospital. After a shot to stop the vomiting and a couple of IV’s to rehydrate me, I got to come home the next morning. Everything was going better until I woke up on Thanksgiving morning sick. Here we go again, I thought. But surely it couldn’t be the same stomach virus. So after missing the Thanksgiving meal at my in-laws and then my parents, my husband took me on field trip numero two to the hospital. Guess what? I was in labor. How could this be?!? I was only 29 weeks. They took me into labor and delivery and started me on some wicked drugs to stop the contractions, steroids shots to help the baby’s lungs develop and all kinds of other things to prepared for a delivery. What the hell was happening!! Long story short, after 24 hours, the medicine worked and my contractions slowed and I still have a bun in the oven where it is supposed to be. Now I am at home on bed rest. It seems that except for the weekly trips to the doctor, this will be my view of the world for a while. They would like me to get to at least 35 weeks. I have Netflix, applique projects, knitting and books. I’ve also gotten tons of Christmas shopping done at Amazon.com. The hubby is starting to see that being the mommy isn’t all bon-bons and soap operas. He has taken over housework, grocery shopping and all things Fletcher. My mom is really helping out and my in-laws are keeping Fletch occupied. (it is good to have family close by) Everything is looking good, except for the head cold I now have. Seriously, can you believe I have a cold now. Uhhh…(also, the one medicine the doctor said I could take has apparently been RECALLED) (of course it has, why wouldn’t it be?!?)
So that’s where I stand, Missing in Advance, not doing my usual running all over the place, teaching classes, quilting, etc. Just sitting here in my bed, making lists of things I want the hubby to do to get ready for the arrival of our baby. Hopefully later rather than sooner.
Bless your heart. My DIL went through this same scenario, no fun for anyone! Please take good care, my friend, I am sending good wishes for the best possible outcome during these days of bed rest and confinement. Looking back, when you’re mobile once again and pushing your happy, healthy baby in the stroller you’ll look back on this as nothing more than a speed bump in the road of life… and that life is oh, so GOOD!
Yep lets keep that bun in the oven a while longer….and please let me know if I can help hubby out with dinner one night.
Oh no! So glad to hear that the bean is still snuggled in! Bed rest can suck (I have experience). Hang in there and blog about it!
You just incubate and we are all going to be around when you come back. I hope things go so well. Thank goodness for a good husband and great family!
I am thinking about you little girl. Think of all the applique you are going to finish!! I can bring some to you. Keep us updated.
I’m so sorry to hear about all of your troubles. You will be in my thoughts. Rest up! I can only imagine all the booties and hats you will have made. Take care.
Rachel McNeil
My goodness! I hadn’t heard…keeping you and the little one in thoughts and prayers.
I know this is not much fun but soon the baby will be here and this time will be a memory. You just take care of your self and the baby.