Ahhhh, Halloween! Only like one of my all time favorite holidays. I love dressing up or in this case dressing Fletch and his cousin up. I fully acknowledge that my son will one day need therapy and that this will no doubt be one of the suppressed memories that will eventually come up. It was totally worth whatever it will cost me in therapy bills because this kid is C-U-T-E!

And this kid is super cute! I just want to squeeze those little cheeks.

Weather they know it or not, they made my day. I think my husband would have preferred his son be dressed as a super hero or something a little more “manly”. It nearly sent him over the edge when I added the make-up, but Fletch can dress that way when he is 10 and doesn’t want his mama to make his costume anymore. And one day when he is 18 and brings home a girlfriend, I know he will enjoy having his mama show her these pictures. I’m sure of it.
He is the cutest Andy I’ve ever seen, and oh… that cutie-patootie Ann; what a precious pair! Happy Halloween!
Too cute!
They are so adorable! Love it!