Seven Months Old.

Time Flies.
My other little baby, Fletcher, starts the big K next week. Kindergarten! I’m not too sure this momma this gonna handle that too well. There was already a brief eposide in the grocery store while buying juice boxes and goldfish to pack the lunch box.
Gulp. I understand. Maybe you need to make some of those cute little tissue pack covers… Moms everywhere always need a tissue… pass me one, please. Time does fly~ too, too fast!
What a sweetie! Fletcher will have a ball at kindergarten…hang tough Mama
Don’t worry Mom you will survive knidergarden. When my oldest went she was so happy and I cried all thye way home. I might have cried until she got home. LOL
Tomorrow my baby will leave Illinois to move to California. I am afraid I will need thge large box of tissues. sniff.
Enjoy your little men.
He’s darling Gina. I took mine to his first day at first grade this morning. I thought it would be a lot easier than kindergarten. It wasn’t. And I teach at his school and can see him whenever I want!
I could just eat your precious little one up! Enjoy every moment of it. It seems like only yesterday my son started kindergarten. I remember the entire day like it was yesterday. He is now 26 with a wife and two babies. It honestly seems like yesterday. AND when we took him to college, you would have thought I was never going to see him again. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy, and also know that it’s perfectly understandable to cry. I bet most moms do the first time each little one starts kindergarten. HUGS