If you haven’t seen them,
Pat Bravo has come out with some new purse patterns. I ordered one a couple of weeks ago and this weekend I got to put one together. This is the
Verona pattern. I think her patterns are great. They were easy to follow, and she really spells every step out, so it is a perfect pattern for beginners.

I haven’t made any progress in getting the
9-patch I made at the first of the year and the Love quilt quilted. I did get the borders put on the Love quilt, but I was lazy about getting a picture of it. Finally, today I got my husband to hold it up for me. The lighting in the basement doesn’t do much for the quilt.(It’s been raining all day here, so I couldn’t take my usual outside pictures.) I’m not loving the border fabric I choose, but it is what it is, I guess. I wish I had used fabric with more of the aqua color in it instead. That’s what happens when you don’t take your quilt with you to the fabric store to pick out borders. Maybe this week I will get at least one of these quilts done. (Not making any promises, though. I’ve been kind of lazy lately.) I have several projects on my “to do” list besides the 2 quilts. I would like to make a couple of g
umdrop pillows for the living room. I also got fabric in December to make some
pajamas and I would like to get those done, too. I am always thinking about the next quilt to start, of course. I have a couple that were started last year and never finished. I should be a good girl and get those finished before I start another. (In a perfect world.) My great, great Aunt called yesterday. She received the
quilt I made her in the mail and she was so excited. I could tell how much she appreciated it and that made my day! It makes you feel good when you can tell someone really enjoys getting a “handmade gift”. (Not everyone does.) Let’s see, what else… Oh, I have really been working hard on my
applique quilt. It has only taken a solid year +, but I finally got the main part put together. Yes, I said year. Don’t judge. Now I have to work on the border, which in theory sound simple. Like, “yeah, I just have the border left and I’m finished.” But not THIS border. I’m pretty sure it will take me another year just to do the appliqued border. Ahhh… applique. What was I thinking? I let a friend borrow it, so as soon as I get it back, I’ll post some pictures of it so you can all be amazed at my awesomeness. (hee, hee)
And finally, I just have one thing left to say,
“Brett” .