Some Sewing Has Taken Place

Things have been busy here, but I did get these made before I started working at market. I always just love the way these purses turn out. They are one of my favorite things to make. I have a few more cut out and ready to sew. I have a whole list of little sewing projects I want to make. Hopefully I can pick back up on the sewing momentum I had before market started and got some things made.

6 Responses to Some Sewing Has Taken Place

  1. Kelly O. says:

    these purses are sew cute!
    what pattern is it?

  2. Leslie says:

    these are beautiful

  3. these are so cute! whose pattern?

  4. Char says:

    Ooooo, Love the bags!

  5. Nane says:

    Black Mt is just around the corner…we’ll get some sewing done there (among other things) Love the wedding photo!

  6. inday_adin says:

    Let me tell you that these bags are so adorable! I love them so much! 🙂 I love them!