Yesterday was my 34th. My 34th birthday, that is. The boys gave me a nice little gift certificate to get a mani and a pedi! Mommy like! The tooties are NOT looking so good these days and a pedi is just what they need. I actually could care less about having my toenails polished, although it is an added benefit. What I absolutely love about a pedi is the foot massage. Heaven! Might be having to make myself an appointment for some me time on Sunday and cash in my present.
Oh yeah, the random picture above is the 80 key fobs I made for something my mom has got going on. I didn’t really have any pictures related to a birthday post and I am sitting here with Nolan and too lazy to get up and take a picture. So I’m just going with this one. They look kinda pretty there all in the bowl together.
Just thought I would mention, too ,that I saw that The Real Housewives of Orange County is coming back. Yeah! While at the grocery store this morning, I also saw a magazine with a pregnant Kim in a bikini on the cover. I don’t know how I feel about that or maybe I just don’t want to say…
also… to continue with my random thoughts that I felt like expressing to everyone in bloggy world for some reason today… never watched Celebrity Apprentice before, but may have to this season. NeNe laying the smack down on Star Jones in the promo looks like good t.v. to me!
(My sister would probably tell me right now that I need to get a life.)