I have come to the realization that when it comes to my sewing room, I am a HOARDER! The stuff I keep with thoughts of using it again is borderline insane. Why do I need to keep little scraps of fabric or piles of left over quilt batting? Am I ever actually going to have the time to make things with all these left overs when I don’t have time to make “planned” projects.
It might also be insane that I have this emotional attachment to these things. I made several scrap bags today to send and I am having a hard time parting with them. It’s kinda sad for me to see them go. At least I know they are going to good homes and to people that will treat them well and make beautiful things with them. Don’t judge, I recognize it’s crazy.

More to come on the sewing front. I have been in a little funk since I’ve returned from Disney and I haven’t felt like doing much sewing, but now that I am semi-organized I might snap out of it.
every time I organize my huge fabric collection I decide I DON’T NEED any more fabric! This doesn’t last long…but it helps!
Did you feel that way?
Couldn’t put it better myself! “Am I ever actually going to have the time to make things with all these left overs when I don’t have time to make “planned” projects.” LOVE this post! Glad I’m not the only one