Spring Cleaning

It is almost Spring, right? (Even though it is snowing outside here.) That means Spring Cleaning! Do yo ever just look at your stash and think, “holy cow, this is out of control!”
Well, that is how mine is. So, let the cleaning begin… I have so much stuff and I thought I would let you all know about what is up for grabs. I am starting out offering up a bunch of Pellon Interfacing, pillow forms, and Warm & White and Warm & Natural cotton batting. If you are interested in purchasing anything, e-mail me and let me know.
TP970 Thermolam Plus $4.00 yard
(I have two 15 yard bolts which have never been opened)

65 Extra Heavyweight Stabilizer $2.00 yard
40 Midweight Stabilizer $1.50 yard
906 Lightweight Fusible $1.50 yard
Craft Fuse $2.00 yard
911FF Fusible Featherweight $2.00 yard
805 Wonder Under $2.00 yard

Cape Cod Linen White 60” $2.50 yard

Pillow Forms 10/90 Insert
10% white goose down, 90% white goose feather fill

12 X 16 $7.00
12 X 12 $6.00
14 X 14 $7.00
16 X 16 $8.00
18 X 18 $10.00
20 X 20 $12.00

Warm & Natural Cotton Quilt Batting 90” $6.00 yard
Warm & White Cotton Quilt Batting 90” $6.00 yard

I am also going to offer 2 quart bags (about 1 pound) of fabric scraps for $6.00 each. Most fabrics are Free Spirit and Michael Miller.
I will mail everything in flat rate boxes or envelopes.
There is more to come, too. I have plenty of fabric to destash, but I just haven’t gotten there yet!

3 Responses to Spring Cleaning

  1. I’ll take the batting. I’ve still got 10 quilts to baste!

  2. Gina, you will have to bear with me…do you have the double sided fusible for the handles and then the fusible for the bag. Do you have any of that? 2 yards of each.

  3. Laura says:

    Gina, I just found your blog and spent some time checking it out yesterday. You do great work! I sent you an email about your scraps for sale. Let me know if you didn’t get it.