Weekend Sewing, Continued

Remember all those blocks I made last weekend? Well, here is what has become of them…

Slowly, but surely this quilt top is getting done. I just have to but the borders on and then it is ready for quilting. Problem is, I haven’t decided what the borders are going to be yet. Print or Solid? Hummm…
By the way, this is one of those free quilt patterns from Amy Butler.
Oh, and thanks for your comments on my last post. You all crack me up. I haven’t tried the tea recipe from Laura, but I will.

4 Responses to Weekend Sewing, Continued

  1. Carrie P. says:

    Very pretty so far. I guess you will just have to audition some of your choices.

  2. Nane says:

    I am too conservative most of the time and go with stuff that reads solid, but you have a great eye and I am sure will pick just the right borders to make it pop.

  3. allsewnup says:

    Wow Gina, this is beautiful!
