Hello, My Name is Gina and….

I am completely, totally and in every way ADDICTED to Micky D’s Sweet Tea. Have been for years. Can’t stop myself. I try to stop, I really do. But I can’t. I am A-D-D-I-C-T-E-D. I mean, what do they put in this large cup of ice cold refreshment and keeps me longing for more!?! I’ll tell you what it is…. It is 250 empty calories. That’s right, 250. I just looked it up on their site. That’s craaazy. This is embarrassing, but since I’m puttin’ it out there, I’m going to confess that some days, I will have up to 3 of these suckers. I know you just did the math in your head. That’s 750 EMPTY calories. This has got to end!
Step One: Recognizing You Have a Problem

11 Responses to Hello, My Name is Gina and….

  1. aSprinkling says:

    My addiction goes further than that…sweet tea AND chocolate chip cookies.

  2. Katherine says:

    I feel the same way about their Diet Coke. No calories, but lots of chemicals. Sometimes it’s so worth it!

  3. You make me laugh. I switched from soft drinks to water a year ago and it wasn’t easy, I went cold turkey; but now I no longer have the craving. Good luck. When did it snow?

  4. Carrie P. says:

    Oh boy, I understand completely. I love sweet tea. I could drink as much as you but I have really tried to cut back. But it is so good!

  5. LauraQuilts says:

    Try this. Put 3/4 Cup Splenda in a 2-1/4 quart pitcher – you know, those Rubbermaid babies. Boil up some water, pour over the Splenda, stir – fill the pitcher up – and put three normal sized (NOT family size) teabags in the pitcher to steep, I use Lipton. Let it sit on the counter for a bit, an hour, half the day, whatever. Pour over ice – yummy. Store the balance in the refrigerator. Now you have zero calories, sweet tea, and the caffeine buzz (the best part).

  6. Leslie says:

    that is so funny!! that is a lot of calories

  7. pleasant2no says:

    Too funny!! If that is your only addiction other than sewing – enjoy!

  8. cheryl says:

    It gets even better…not only will you be saving calories, you will be saving $$. Think of all the fabric you can purchase with the money you are saving from not buying sweet tea! There is always a silver lining.

  9. I finally kicked the sweet tea habit last year. Now I’m addicted to Chick-Fil-A diet lemonade.

  10. Nane says:

    Ask them for it half and half until you can go without sugar. I have at least one a day too.

  11. Brenda says:

    My turn. Hello my name is Brenda and I’m addicted to Diet vanilla coke from Sonic. I know it’s diet, but the vanilla is not. Besides diet cokes are bad for you, right. I always get 44 ounce and you know that’s $2.79 each.