I took Nolan to the doctor this morning. This is not an enjoy-able event for either of us. He looks sweet, but good Lord that kid can kick and scream. To say that he hates going to the doctors is the understatement of the century. Fletch never let out a peep when we would take him for his check-ups. He would hardly give out a whimper, even when he got shots. Not kid #2. We don’t even hit the door and he is screaming his lungs out. I tried to get Anthony, my mom…. anyone to come with me. Just to witness for themselves the spectacle. No takers. Fletcher braved it with me. The only way we could check his weight was for me to stand on the scale holding him and then the nurse holding him while I weighed myself. (You know that was exactly what I wanted to do….get weighed at the pediatricians. Oh joy!) End result… he’s healthy, he is a big boy. This eighteen month old is the average height of a 2 and a half year old. Doesn’t have to go back for 6 months. Thank goodness! I am going to schedule it so Anthony has to take him!
Oh no! Both of my Littles are pretty great at the doctor’s office but we have had one or two appointments like that. No fun!
Aww! Hes growing so big so fast! Its funny because right before this I read a friends blog on her 2 yo she took for her check up today too.
He is adorable, sorry about the Dr.’s office tantrum. Marcia has a trick that you might want to try if the timing’s right: she schedules children’s visits on HER birthday, her husband helps her out… “you don’t need to be visiting the pediatrician on YOUR birthday”.