Last weekend was the Flaunt! Handmade Show I have been telling you about. Everything went great. There was a nice turnout for the event and I feel pretty successful about the whole thing. My mind has been swimming with ideas of things to make for next time. There is talk about us having one again in the Spring.

Flaunt was on Saturday and on Sunday we relaxed a little bit and went to the Statesville Hot Air Balloon Festival. I had never been to it and I have to say that it was pretty cool. It was a little windy, so not all 50 balloons were able to launch, but just the ones that did made quite an impression.

We brought a blanket and sat there eating funnel cake and watching all the kids fly mini kites. The weather was perfect, too. It is definitely something we will do again. I was amazed at how close we were able to get to the action and actually see things up close and personal. We were all but in the basket. (which was fine with me, these little feetsies are staying on the ground!)
Now that Flaunt is over and Furniture Market is over, I am on to getting caught up on all of the other things on my never ending list. First up, Halloween costumes! I told my friend today that you know you are sick of sewing when you resort to putting Halloween costumes together with glue and a stapler. (hey, a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do!) I can’t wait for you to see what Fletcher and his little cousin are going to be. It is so cute, I can’t stand it. But you will have to wait until Sunday!
I can’t wait to see, it’s possible to get sick of sewing? Really??
There is something so peaceful about watching a hot air balloon.
I loved your booth at Flaunt! And your adorable mover when it was all over! Can’t wait until next time!
Nice work! Cute display!
I used to live in Statesville and we would take our kids every year. It was great fun for us and the kids.