(if you watch the Real Housewives of NJ, you get it) So, you know I was debating on what project to start next and then my mom asked if I would like to make a quilt to raffle off for the Rally for the Cure Golf Tournament that her ladies group hosts in October. Why, sure I would. And now there is the Save the Bubbies Quilt! I know I said yesterday that I would have it pieced today. I was just kidding! I didn’t get it done, I went to bed. I hope to get it pieced today. I have four more rows and the border to put on. It could happen. Laundry can wait. I just love this quilt by The Sometimes Crafter (it is the one my friend if going to make) and it was just how I wanted this one to look. So cute. When I get it all completed, I’ll post all the details about the raffle. Hope everyone has a perfect weekend. I woke up thinking about getting a pedicure today and I just might have to make that happen. (once the quilt is pieced, of course.)