Category Archives: giveaway

And the Winners are…

Congratulations to Angie and Why Not Sew? You are the winners of my Sew, Mama, Sew! Giveaway. Yeah! Be sure to check out their blogs at NANNA Days and Why Not Sew.Thanks again to everyone that left a comment over the last few days. I am overwhelmed at the response to my giveaway and so grateful for the comments. All 356 of them. Holy Cow! Also, as promised, I added a special surprise for those who are following me and the winner of that is Kareno369. If you ladies would please contact me with your addresses, I’ll get these things in the mail ASAP.

May Giveaway Day!!!

Sew, Mama, Sew! is sponsoring May Giveaway Day beginning May 27th and lasting thru May 31st. If you would like to win the cute little wristlet or a yard each of these two great fabrics, please leave me a comment on this post between the 27th and 31st. I will randomly select two numbers to determine the winner of each. Please be sure to visit the Sew, Mama, Sew! Blog and check out all of the other great giveaways. They will be posting a list of all of the giveaway participants. Thanks for joining in on the fun and Good Luck!
Also, thanks for taking the time to look at my blog. If you like it, add to my followers or link to me on your blog list and I’ll enter you for a second chance to win something special. Just leave me a note to let me know that you did.