My little baby turns 3 today. He was so excited to wake up to balloons in his room this morning. He hasn’t stopped carrying them around yet. (Remember when all it took was balloons to make your day great?) Just to see how happy he is about turning 3 fills my heart with so much joy. Of course, Lighting McQueen is the theme of the day… including a somewhat recognizable McQueen birthday cake. (I tried.) Fletcher likes it and that’s what matters to me. Hopefully it doesn’t taste like Red no.5 food coloring. (It took the whole jar of that coloring to get an almost bright enough red.)

Also, thank you so much to everyone for the wonderful comments you have left over the past few days. I have read each and every one and appreciate them all. I am ecstatic to have so many followers and hope that I can do a good job making my blog a place you would like to visit. Hasn’t the Sew, Mama, Sew! giveaway been great. There are so many talented and generous people out there.