Free Motion

Free motion scares me. To think about starting on a custom quilt makes me so nervous and I tend to put them off. I have a few custom quilts I need to get done, so tonight a put a yard of flannel I had on the frame and started practicing what I think I want to put on the next quilt I have to do. I don’t know why I get so scared. This makes me happy. Really happy! I learned this technique in the Quilting Negative Space class I took with Angela Walter’s at QuiltCon. It was by far one of my favorite designs I learned from her. 

9 Responses to Free Motion

  1. Are you kidding me? Gina, this is spectacular!! I am completely over-the-top impressed beyound words. If my laptop dies today I will have to send you the bill for repair… after all, you’re responsible for me drooling above the keyboard.

  2. Oh wow if you are scared of FMQ then I am absolutely terrified! If my quilting looked that good I wouldn’t be scared, lol.

  3. Laura Davies says:

    Looks great! Love Angela’s designs. Great job!

  4. BEAUTIFUL! Looks fabulous, if I could only do that well, I know I would make it in the longarm quilting world!!!

    I confess, I am sooooo glad to hear a fellow artist say how nervous they get before doing work on someone else’s item. I was just talking to my husband about that same fear I have when someone sends me an item to embroidery and, once you start….their is pretty much no turning back. Especially on my last job, they were Custom Shirts…of course, when I presented them to the customer after the job was completed, he was over the top happy, which made me happy too. I guess its the respect we have for someone else’s things and the fact they have entrusted it to us, we don’t want to diminish that, we want to embelish or make even better with the additions to it.

    Awesome job, can’t wait to see the custom job on the actual quilt!

  5. Debg says:

    AH.MAZE.ING. You are rocking it!!!!

  6. Paige says:

    Gorgeous. Honestly, I would be nervous too knowing that they spent a lot of time, energy, love on something. On the other hand, your work is so amazing I can’t imagine anyone not being pleased. I gave a coworker (Stephanie) your contact info today. She should be in touch soon if she hasn’t already!

  7. MamaT says:

    It looks wonderful! I’d be super happy if you put that on a quilt for me!

  8. Colleen says:

    It looks great! I cant wait to see what you do on my quilts. I know I will love anything you do!