Quilting Away

For the last couple of weeks I have been busy in my glamorous basement quilting away. Today I got Paula’s quilt finished. I did an all over swirl on it. I have not perfected the art of taking good pictures that show off the quilting. I’ll have to work on that. The good news is that I will have plenty of opportunities to practice taking pictures. I have plenty of quilts to get done and I am so grateful for that.

9 Responses to Quilting Away

  1. I just love the quilt and the fabrics! Excellent job.

  2. Patty C. says:

    Just gorgeous!

  3. Paige says:

    I know Karen already told you but I love, love, love the aqua and orange one you did for me. Pebbles! Swirls!

  4. Unknown says:

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  5. ellen says:

    I love the swirls!

  6. I love it, is this a pantograph? If so, does it have a name? Well done, Gina!!

  7. carolm says:

    Looks beautiful to me!