
I am going to be participating in Bloom next weekend, April 28th. If you are out and about in Winston, please stop by and see me. I will have a booth there with a bunch of my handmade gift items like journal covers, camera straps, key fobs, etc….

4 Responses to Bloom

  1. Nane says:

    Bummer we will be in Black Mt on retreat…but hope you do well. I LOVE my journal.

  2. Well you know where I’ll be! Hope you sell lots!

  3. Paige says:

    I’ll come see you! I see the address but what building is that? I am *thisclose* to finishing a quilt top and I really need to ask you a question about the quilting. Can I send you a picture to get your advice?

  4. Angie says:

    Hadn’t heard of this – I’m going to try and be there. The boys have baseball (of course!) but maybe I can sneak away. 🙂