
Look at the cutie that is helping me model my new quilt.

I think he likes it!

Do you see that little smile peek-a-booing at you.

He had such a good time! Oh so cute. Cute, cute, cute.

8 Responses to Peek-a-boo

  1. Patty C. says:

    Darling photos
    Love the little purses in the header photo!

  2. Nane says:

    No doubt a cutie pie

  3. He’s just the most adorable thing ever, this post should carry a cuteness warning!

  4. sarah says:

    so, i’m scrolling through my google reader, and this post comes up and i had to do a double/triple take…

    i wont let my sticky kids near it, so you’re a much more laid back mom/quilter than i. i have had the top stashed away for awhile, until i can get fantastic at long arm quilting… could be awhile.


    • Gina says:

      Sarah- we might just be living parallel lives. I too am working on swoon and have a sick little one. Your quilt is beautiful. Great minds think alike. You might just be my quilting twin!

    • sarah says:

      well, thanks, but i’ve perused your quilts, and they’re awesome. i’m a quilting twin wannabe. 🙂

      hope your sick one is on the mend…

      and good luck with that swoon. i was pretty gung ho at first, but i’ve kind of hit a wall with it….

  5. Paige says:

    Beautiful baby and quilt! Can’t wait to see it all quilted and bound!

  6. Colleen says:

    Too cute! Love the top!