
My friend posted this site with Awkward Pregnancy Photos on Facebook the other day. Considering my current state, I thought it was hilarious…or sad, or weird or maybe a little of all three. Actually, I’m not exactly sure how I feel about it. I thought I would share it with you. I know I can be judgemental sometimes (all the time), but I really wonder what in the world people are thinking when they do stuff like this. Just sayin‘.

4 Responses to Awkward!

  1. Rachel says:

    Thanks for sharing a great laugh. I guess we need to get a gun???

  2. I cannot stop laughing, this is just too funny; are any of these people serious, really? The accompanying commentary just makes it, in my opinion.

  3. Kathleen says:

    Only you Gina….what are people thinking???

  4. Nane says:

    Surely some of these were jokes….but then again, there are some strange folks out there! Thanks for the laugh! Want me to bring my camera over??