If you watch the Real Housewives of New Jersey, you totally know what I am talking about. And if you know me, you know that I totally love to watch this show! (don’t judge me, you know you watch it!) It is total trash, but it is soooo good! I have even managed to get a few of my friends addicted to the show and they scold me for it (if it makes them (you know who you are…kb) feel better to blame it on me, I’ll take it. Tee hee.) Well, last night was the reunion and it was awwwwwesome! I mean, did you see T body check Andy. I believe she could have flipped a small car out of the way to get to Danielle. What the heck! Can’t wait for Part II of the reunion! You should totally watch it, I won’t tell anyone… and I won’t think your garbage!
Yeah! How about when Theresa shoved Andy! I couldn’t believe it!
Do you watch DC Housewives? If so, what’s the deal with Michaele’s name? Is it “Mikayla” or “Mick-el”? The cast needs to get together and agree…it’s her name for goodness’ sake! lol
*raises hand* hi, my name is shannon and i watch the housewives shows…orange county, new york, atlanta, and new jersey. i refuse to get addicted to DC…
i would like to go on record as saying: i don’t care for danielle. what is wrong with her? don’t they make medicine for folks like that? then to blame editing…it’s everyone’s fault but hers! i agree with caroline- ‘own it!’ then to be so naive to think that she is ‘sheltering’ her kids by not allowing to watch the show- are you crazy!?
i could go on all day….
*giggle* thanks for allowing me to ‘come out, of the housewives closet
watching it right now! supposedly Danielle will not be one of the “woman” on the show next season! it’s in all the gossip magazines. thought you would enjoy that tid bit of information
Ha ha. I haven’t gotten sucked into any of the Housewives shows but I loved Bethenny Getting Married! Is that coming back again? Total guilty pleasure!
Never seen any of the housewives shows. And no, you’re not going to suck me to it…neither one of you are (kb). I’ll stick with NCIS and Mark Harmon. Those big red flowers on her butt in the picture are scaring me.
No cable at the cabin…but I was a huge fan of MTV’s original Real World (yes you were probably still in elementary school) but they kind of started it all for reality tv. Enjoy!
I haven’t seen it and don’t want to be tempted, I’m having enough trouble staying away from reality programming as it is.