I have really been slack about posting on my blog lately, but it is only because I have really been busting things out in the sewing department. I got the borders put on the Christmas Quilt I was telling you about. I even got it quilted and the binding sewn on. The only thing left to do is to sew down the binding by hand. (Which I really enjoy doing, by-the-way.) I’ll be working on doing that in the evenings. I’ll have some better pictures of it when I get the binding all done. I made the quilt using a Merry and Bright jellyroll from Moda which I bought last year.

I have really gotten far on the Sew, Mama, Sew! Advent Calendar Quilt, too. I have all the blocks done. They are ready to be trimmed and sewn together. My goal is to work on that today and hopefully have it ready to be quilted by the end of the weekend.
I still have to finish the two knit stockings I am making for my nieces before Christmas gets here. Actually, I have to finish one, which is just about done and completely start on the second. I think someone told me yesterday it is five weeks away. Surely that can’t be right! Christmas can’t be that close. I haven’t even thought about what to do about Christmas shopping. Ahhhh.
We want another photo of the top quilt–so pretty!
ohhh, love the advent calendar!!!:) I will show you photos of mine as well as soon as I can!!!:)
Christmas is so close now!!!I just can’t wait!:)
I love all of the colors you pick! So great! I have 4 quilts started and not completed. Over Christmas when I’m at my folks and they can watch the kiddos, I am totally inspired to finish them! Well, at least a few of them!
Great blog! I’m a regular reader.