Get’er Done

I told you it was going to be a busy weekend of sewing and now I’m going to prove it. I somewhat stayed focused and I got quite a bit done:
Pair of Drapes = Done
Sheer Door Treatment = Done
Embroidery for my friends quilt for her church = Done
2nd Baxter quilt top = Done
Start Disappearing 9-Patch for class = Done
Quilt Strippy quilt = Done
Binding on Strippy quilt = Done (just have to sew it down now)

Start Knitting Christmas Stocking for my niece = Done (That’s right, I said knitting. It’s been a while, but I can knit, too.)

And in the middle of this sewing frenzy, I was even able to spend some quality time with my fellas. Imagine what I could get done if I stayed completely focused.
This week is starting off no different from the weekend. I still have plenty of things on my list to check off and I am hoping to get as much done this week as I did over the weekend. I feel like it is going to be a good week.

Also, if you read my blog, you are aware of my sweet tea addiction. Well, Thursday is October the 1st and I’m thinking that that would be a pretty good day to go cold turkey. Yes, I’m putting it out there. October One, I’m off the juice. I was thinking that by announcing it on my blog, you guys could help keep me honest. Sound good? Sounds good! (side note: does this just sound completely insane of me to seriously state that I am addicted to sweet tea of all things and enlist the help of a “support group”? Yes, I believe so.)

4 Responses to Get’er Done

  1. allsewnup says:

    Did you sleep at all?hehe
    You go girl…


  2. Leslie says:

    man you have been one busy lady. i can’t imagine how good it must feel to get all that done. i should make a week committed to sewing and see what i can get done. i love the quilt….sewing that binding is my favorite part…and as for sweet tea!! you can do it!!!

  3. Ellen says:

    I got a few blocks arranged this weekend…sigh.

  4. Carrie P. says:

    Wow, what a list of things you have been doing.
    I am there for you with your giving up tea cold turkey. You are a better girl than I. At least I am trying to mix it half sweet and half unsweet. Don’t be surprised if you have a headache but shouldn’t last too long. Good luck.