Time Flies

Has it really been two weeks since I’ve posted? Man, where does the time go?
I have tons of crafting going on and lots to show you, but I probably should takes some pictures of it all first. This is one project on my list that I have been really trying to get completed. It is the border for my appliqued quilt. The quilt top took me a year and I had in my mind that it is going to take me just as long to do the borders, but I am ready to get it done. I have been making a real effort to work on it as much as I can. I also picked up these great needles that are fab-u-lous for applique. (Clover Black Gold #10 Sharps) A friend suggested them and they are worth the money. (about a buck a needle) Maybe it won’t take me another year after all. Here’s hoping it doesn’t.

5 Responses to Time Flies

  1. Those needles are the best.. I just discovered them (and posted about them too!) when I was up at Mid-Atlantic Quilt Festival last month. They are worth it!! Your border is simply fantastic.

  2. Cathy says:

    Gina, a beautiful quilt! Hey I am your 100th follower! 🙂

  3. Stunning applique! There is such lot of work there!

  4. Nane says:

    You will get there. Its the prep that bugs me about applique, I like the hand work once its ready to stitch. I just got some of those needles too for my hand quilting project.