I Used To Be Cute

I know it sounds crazy, but I did used to be cute. I used to have a cute figure and wear cute clothes. I used to have a cute hair cut and wear cute make-up and cute shoes and drive a cute little car. I miss being cute! When did it happen that all of the sudden I woke up and was overweight and sweatpants became my usual outfit and a mini-van my mode of transportation? (I seriously went to the grocery store yesterday in my sweatpants and sweatshirt with no make-up and I honestly can’t recall if I even ran a hairbrush through my hair at all.) I used to care about how I looked and what I ate and if I exercised. I never wanted to be one of those women that got married and had kids and stopped caring about herself and the way she looked, but I guess I did. I need to get back to being the kind of women that takes care of herself because if I don’t take care of myself, who else will? I’ve decided that I’ve got to take some control (because lord knows I can’t afford plastic surgery, tee hee.) As Justin Timberlake put it, “I’m Bringing Sexy Back” or at least cute (probably cute, not sexy, yeah….most likely cute.)

16 Responses to I Used To Be Cute

  1. PootleFlump says:

    I feel the same only Ive not had kids yet so have even less of an excuse! Im still “petite” but I can never be bothered dressing up these days. Id much rather be comfy!!

  2. Nane says:

    Maybe you have to give up a little cute to create those two beautiful boys…but I have all the confidence your better you is just around the corner. If you can kick the McDonald’s sweet tea adiction (which I have yet to completely do) it shows you can do anything. A hike to the overlook in Black Mt is in your future!!

  3. kelliemorgan says:

    I’m with you! I have two little men, and am feeling the same way. Got my hair cut by a friend after 6 months of ponytails and headbands. Yes, 6 months. She had a talk with me, and told me to start taking care of myself. I started a workout plan Monday, have been dressing much more on purpose, and only wearing the sweatpants when at home. You can do this!

  4. I think you’re adorable.

  5. Charlie M. says:

    Gina, I can always count on you to #1. make me laugh and #2 have GREAT tutorials for things I need/want but didn’t know I needed or wanted them!! You’re fabulous. Just wanted you to know that — and you are STILL cute. We all get to feeling frumpy after babies and life catches us. Don’t despair. At least you noticed!! I swear, there are people out there who don’t even notice. But you do. Love your blog!!

  6. Loralynn says:

    Boy, do we live the same life or what??? I never used to go out in public without my full face on, hair done and matching outfit. Now it’s baggy jeans, sweatshirt and hair pulled back! I’m with you…I want to be cute again!

  7. Beth says:

    Hey, being a mom is hard work! It isn’t easy to be cute when you have a 24/7 job. 😉
    I know you can do it.

  8. Katherine says:

    I write this post in my head everyday. Blah.

  9. Catherine says:

    There are only so many hours in a day for us to do all that we want to do! If you want to start going out looking gorgeous on the outside every day (because, remember, we are all gorgeous on the inside), can you spare an extra 15 mins in the morning to look glam? Remember, it’s mostly about how we feel about ourselves. Those that love you, love you for who you are, not what you look like, but you also have to like yourself. So, go for it…. whether its a diet, an exercise routine, dressing up… whatever it is, but remember that lovely person that is inside and whatever changes on the outside, keep that lovely person on the inside x

  10. Carolyn says:

    Thank you so much for a wonderful blog! I’m totally in love with making purses, too (I have a gazillion patterns!) and never tire of making them. I always get comments and orders, as well. So fun! Thank you, also for your great tutorials. I love them all. SEW glad I found your blog! I’m now a follower(probably a stalker! lol

  11. Gmama Jane says:

    This is the “cutest” post…couldn’t help myself. Sorry! But seriously, I came to your blog because of your tag line. I feel the very same way!!! I used to be cute as well….Oh my..age happens I suppose!
    Gmama Jane

  12. Debbie says:

    You are cute and beauty is only skin deep!

  13. Saska says:

    Hey….My baby is 20–as in TWENTY years old and I was “cute” when he was 10, but I’ve downhill in a hurry!
    I’m about to have a “BIG” b’day this summer and if I don’t do something soon, I feel I never will.

    Love your blog and bags!

  14. To be cute again: start with a bow in your hair! >8(=^}
    One step at a time will help, it did with me!

    Irene-with-the-bow-in-her-hair-and-sixty-now from Amsterdam

  15. I so feel your pain!

  16. katie z. says:

    Hey, you can get there. You have a 2-month-old!