Category Archives: Uncategorized

Super Exciting Announment!

Guess who is going to be in the Spring 2011 Issue of Quilt Sampler? Karen Gray Design!!! She is featured as one of the top ten quilt shops. Isn’t that exciting! She has been sitting on this news for a few months now, and finally she gets to let the cat out of the bag and tell everyone. The magazine will also feature an original quilt design made featuring Anna Maria’s Innocent Crush fabrics. How cool is that! I’ve seen the quilt and I’m in love with it. I can’t wait to get my hands on the kit so I can make one. I am so excited for her. She has some really exciting things planned for the shop this year. There are some great new classes on the schedule and some wonderfully talented new teachers joining the shop to teach those classes. As soon as I have the baby, I am going to have to strap on the Baby Bjorn so I can hang out at the shop and soak it all in.

Winter Wonderland!

I think the news said it was 1969 since the last measurable snow on Christmas here in North Carolina. We had about 8″ here at our house.
I know it made this little guy almost more excited then the presents Santa left under the tree. All around it was one good day! I hope yours was, too!

Merry Christmas!

I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas!


My friend posted this site with Awkward Pregnancy Photos on Facebook the other day. Considering my current state, I thought it was hilarious…or sad, or weird or maybe a little of all three. Actually, I’m not exactly sure how I feel about it. I thought I would share it with you. I know I can be judgemental sometimes (all the time), but I really wonder what in the world people are thinking when they do stuff like this. Just sayin‘.


I felt it only right that I follow up the last post with a little review of the second installment of the Real Housewives of New Jersey Reunion. Holy Moley Eyes! What the heck was all that about?
Hilarious that Danielle pulled a mannequin head with a weave on it out of her purse. Poor little Andy wasn’t strong enough to yank it out. It was almost like a “if the glove doesn’t fit, you must acquit” moment. Not sure what to make of the ending. Danielle’s hug went from uhh, to awk-ward to super, super creepy really fast. I really miss the Watch What Happens! after-show because I would have loved to hear Andy’s recap of the whole crazy thing.

Eggs & Applique

One of my favorite things to do this time of year is to color Easter eggs. We spiced things up a little this year by marbleizing our eggs. I am pretty excited about the way they turned out. Fletcher said they were AWESOME. (his new favorite word)
Remember the Joel Dewberry Modern Meadow I got a couple of weeks ago? Well, it is starting to come together into something.
It is going to be the raffle quilt for this years Rally For The Cure to benefit breast cancer research. I made one last year to be raffled off and it went well, so we thought we would try it again this year. I am very excited to be doing it. I feel honored that they would ask me to make another one.

Giveaway and Class Schedule

Hi Guys- Real quick. Check out Karen Gray’s Blog. She posted the new October class schedule and she is also having a fab giveaway with fabrics I am seriously in love with. Also, while your at it, check out Knit One, Smock Too’s Blog. They have their October class schedule, as well. Both great shops with great people and great classes.

Just Relax, Will Ya!

So, me and the fellas headed up to the beautiful Virginia mountains this Friday for some down time. Actually, Saturday marked the beginning of bow hunting season and my husband really wanted to try out his new bow. (Disclaimer: I know some are turned off by hunting and this city girl, gone country is not much into it, but it makes him happy and that makes me happy. He supports my hobbies and I am more than happy to support his. Although, you will most certainly not see me holding a gun to shoot anything other than the occasional skeet.) We planned on coming home Saturday night, but the weather was so beautiful, the big buck had been spotted and the date for me to start working market was pushed back until Wednesday, so we decided to stay a couple more days.
I spent my time enjoying my family and getting my Strippy Quilt finished. I was able to sit on the porch swing, look at this beautiful view and hand sew my binding down. Life is good. 🙂

It’s back to reality in the morning. I have a whole list of things to get done before Market starts. But for tonight, I am thinking back at the wonderful weekend I got to spend with no cell phone, no computer, no lists, and no deadlines. Just me and the two I love the most. I am a lucky girl!

Weekend Sewing, Continued

Remember all those blocks I made last weekend? Well, here is what has become of them…

Slowly, but surely this quilt top is getting done. I just have to but the borders on and then it is ready for quilting. Problem is, I haven’t decided what the borders are going to be yet. Print or Solid? Hummm…
By the way, this is one of those free quilt patterns from Amy Butler.
Oh, and thanks for your comments on my last post. You all crack me up. I haven’t tried the tea recipe from Laura, but I will.

Hello, My Name is Gina and….

I am completely, totally and in every way ADDICTED to Micky D’s Sweet Tea. Have been for years. Can’t stop myself. I try to stop, I really do. But I can’t. I am A-D-D-I-C-T-E-D. I mean, what do they put in this large cup of ice cold refreshment and keeps me longing for more!?! I’ll tell you what it is…. It is 250 empty calories. That’s right, 250. I just looked it up on their site. That’s craaazy. This is embarrassing, but since I’m puttin’ it out there, I’m going to confess that some days, I will have up to 3 of these suckers. I know you just did the math in your head. That’s 750 EMPTY calories. This has got to end!
Step One: Recognizing You Have a Problem