Category Archives: sewing

Take Two

Remember me saying that I wanted to make the smaller version of Amy Butler’s new pattern? Well, I actually got it done. Write that down! This is my new diaper bag. The larger version was a little bigger than I needed to carry all my junk around.
The bag is reversible. I’m having a hard time trying to decide which side I like better. Next up…some more Barney things for my niece.

My Little Sewing Helper

Have you been wondering how someone with a 2 month old is able to get so much sewing done? This is why… so far my little buddy is very agreeable to the hum of the sewing machine. His brother used to sit on my lap as I was sewing, but now he has traded me in for his daddy, so this one will have to help me out while I’m sewing. (Fletcher only likes to help wind the bobbin now because he thinks he is driving a race car when he is pressing the petal.
This weekend my sister came over and we made this little pop over pinafore for little Marion’s big outing to go see Barney. I can’t believe that my sister lets her watch Barney! Not that Barney is bad, but it is super annoying to me. And Marion watching Barney means that my sister has to watch Barney. I for one could not take that. That’s why my kids will not be Barney fans.

Marion is, however, his #1 fan. She loves him and she will be the most stylish little girl at the show, for sure.

Sunday Sewing

I spent just a little bit of time on this pretty day (75 degrees outside) making these pajama bottoms and embroidering this pajama top for my mom. I’m kinda diggin’ them. I want some for myself now! I’ll save making them for myself until another time. Right now I’m going outside to enjoy this weather with my boys.

Block #2 = Done

Moving right along on my applique quilt, I am happy to say that I am a block ahead of my planned one block a month. Here’s hoping that I can keep this pace up.
On a side note; I heard on the news the other day that lack of sleep can make you appear uglier than you really are. Great! They really give the mother of a newborn a lot to feel confident about. Ugggh!

Mamma’s Got A Brand New Bag

Yup, that’s right. Cause when mamma’s happy, every body’s happy. So I made me this new Amy Butler bag. It’s big, it’s reversible, it’s got lots of pockets, it’s perfect for a diaper bag. It also helps hide my post pregnancy belly when I’m carrying it. Might have to make the smaller version next. In my free time. Wink. Wink.

Baby + Quilt

Nolan is one month this week. I can’t believe it, one month already. Times goes by so fast. I already can’t remember Fletcher being this small (even though I know he was), so I am trying really hard to soak up every moment of it. In some of the quiet time, when Nolan is sleeping and Fletcher is at preschool, I put together another version of this baby quilt. It went together so quickly. (Rumor has it Karen has put together some kits with this pattern for the shop.)

You Can Call Me Crazy or You Can Call Me Crazy

I must be. I decided that with a newborn and everything, that now would be a good time to start a new applique quilt. It’s only one block a month, right. Totally do-able. Yup, totally!

This little guy has been doing plenty of this… (isn’t he sweet)
So while he has been doing that, I have been spending the quite time trying to get back into a little sewing.
It took me about a week to get the binding sewn on a little baby quilt, but I got it done. Too bad little Nolan won’t be using this one. I don’t think pink would be a good color for him. There is more to come. I have an all new UFO list made out for 2011.

Festival of Trees

This weekend is the Festival of Trees to benefit the Brenner’s Children’s Hospital. Local organizations and individuals decorate trees that are then actioned off to raise money for the hospital. I belong to the Forsyth Piecers and Quilter’s Guild and they have been participating in the benefit for 20 years.
This year I was the chair person for the decorating committee. A wonderful group of ladies helped to hand make 85 pears, 50 birds and 80 pear blossoms for our “Partridge in a Pear Tree” themed tree. All of their hard work payed off and we had a beautiful tree to show for it. I wonder how I can con them into doing all that hard work to decorate my Christmas tree at home. Hummm?

Happy Halloween!

Ahhhh, Halloween! Only like one of my all time favorite holidays. I love dressing up or in this case dressing Fletch and his cousin up. I fully acknowledge that my son will one day need therapy and that this will no doubt be one of the suppressed memories that will eventually come up. It was totally worth whatever it will cost me in therapy bills because this kid is C-U-T-E!
And this kid is super cute! I just want to squeeze those little cheeks.

Weather they know it or not, they made my day. I think my husband would have preferred his son be dressed as a super hero or something a little more “manly”. It nearly sent him over the edge when I added the make-up, but Fletch can dress that way when he is 10 and doesn’t want his mama to make his costume anymore. And one day when he is 18 and brings home a girlfriend, I know he will enjoy having his mama show her these pictures. I’m sure of it.