The new year brings about change and in the Allen Household, change is upon us. There comes a time in every little boys life where he must SLEEP IN HIS OWN BED. My little three and a half year old has not fallen asleep or slept without his mother close by his entire life (don’t judge) and much to his dislike and his mother’s, uhmm… mixed feelings, Sunday night was D-day. Daddy drew a line in the sand and while I agree with him that having a toddler’s feet in your face and head across the other’s stomach isn’t the most desired position for obtaining the recommended 8 hours sleep, I selfishly don’t want to lose that snuggle time with my already-growing-up-way-to-fast little boy. The process has not been easy for my sweet little boy who , generally not a crier, has let out some pretty Oscar worthy wales the past 2 nights. Hubby and I came up with a plan. (Okay, I came up with a plan and told hubby exactly how this thing was going to go down.) We really talked up the whole thing to Fletch. We equipped his bed and room with everything he needed and wanted. (at last count, there were 3, yes 3 night lights, a cowboy quilt, a woobie, sheets with trucks, chap-stick, water, a radio playing country music, and every stuffed animal he owns all there waiting to aid Fletch in his quest. (okay, mine and my hubby’s quest.) I’ve stayed on task. The Hubster seems to be working against me at times. Like on the first night when he brought Fletcher into our bed at 3 in the am, or when he tucked Fletch in and told him “not to worry, nothing was going to “get” him”. What?!!? Did you seriously just say that to him!! Ahhh! Or last night when after my 1 hour shift sitting outside the bedroom door, he gave in after 30 minutes and move the chair beside Fletcher’s bed. We have a plan man! Stick with it! Work with me! Tonight is night 3. It’s got to get better, right? Hopefully, I can keep Fletcher and the Hubbers straight. I guess I will just add this to the list of things Fletch is going to need therapy for when he gets older.