BOM Class Now Scheduled – Sign up Today!

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Kathleen and I just finished teaching the last class in our Imari Plates Block of the Month and we could not have been more thrilled with the group of ladies in the class and the amazing quilts they all produced! Each quilt is just as stunning as the next. They all turned out so different and so beautiful. Above are just a few of the quilts from the class. My bad photography skills do not do them justice.

Kathleen and I have a third round of our BOM starting this fall. It will the the 4th Saturday of every month from 9:00-10:30 am at The Little General Fabric Boutique in Reynolda Village. The BOM will $25 per class and there will be six classes. We would love to have you join us for this great BOM. If you are interested, please feel free to contact me using the form below.

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