Category Archives: patterns

Urban Chained

 This has been a quilty week. I didn’t get any quilting done last week because my nephews were here for summer camp. I ran around taking Fletcher and his cousin to horse camp and entertaining them. (I’ll share pictures of camp soon.)
 So this week… I played catch up. I have gotten six quilts done this week including squeezing in my own quilt. I did a straight line, spiky kind of meander on it. I thought it would be a good contrast with the curves.
I put the quilt at The Little General. She has all of these great fabrics there.
I have pictures of some of the quilts I did this week and I will post those soon.

Sunday Sewing

 I am trying to set aside a little time each Sunday to do a little sewing for myself.
 This is the Urban Chained Pattern from Sew Kind of Wonderful. It is made using her Quick Curve Ruler. You can find both the pattern and the ruler on her website.
It took a little trial and error and a trip back to the fabric store to get more fat quarters, but I finally figured it out. I can’t wait to get it quilted, but that may have to wait. Thankfully, I have a bunch of customer quilts to get done. I also bought her Urban Candy pattern. I already have the fabric picked out, so that may be my next Sunday Sewing Project. I am thinking that this would be a great class, so stay tuned. I might teach this in the fall at The Little General if there is enough interest. That way, you all can benefit from all the mistakes I made. Then you won’t have to buy extra fabric like I did!

Finished Quilts and Four Month Olds

I finally finished a quilt! It’s for my sweet little niece who turns 2 this week. I made it using this pattern, which I have to say, was super easy.
And I had to throw in a picture of this major cutie! He is now four months old. Time sure does go by fast. He is getting so big!

Reversible Camera Strap Tutorial

I told you I have been in a little bit of a sewing frenzy lately! I need to be on a sewing frenzy, instead of what seems to be my pregnancy induced feeding frenzy. I went for my check up the other day and found out that at my 22nd week, I have gained 9 pounds. I know what you’re thinking… 9 pounds is not bad at all. I agree, it’s not bad. The only problem is that I gained 8 of those 9 pounds in the last month. Yikes! So to keep me from eating non-stop, I got to work putting this tutorial together. I hope you enjoy it. Who knows, there might be more tutorials to come. I have a bunch of ideas swimming around this head of mine.

New Tutorial!

I like it so much I thought I should do a little tutorial on it for you guys. You can find it on the side bar or here.
Let me know if I made any mistakes or if you have any problems or questions.

Tote Bag Tutorial

Hi All! As promised, I put together a tutorial for the tote bag that I made for teacher’s gifts. It is really simple to make. I put the tutorial together kind of quickly, so I apologize in advance for any mistakes. Also, usually it is just easier for me to do something than to actually try to explain how to do it, so let me know if there is something in the instructions that doesn’t make sense.
I hope you all enjoy it! Just click here for the tutorial or you can find it on my sidebar, as well.

Teacher Appreciation

This week was Teacher Appreciation at Fletcher’s preschool. The kids brought the teachers something each day. One day they were supposed to bring their teacher an apple. You can only eat so many apples, right.? So, Ms. Nancy got this one.
It is Heather Bailey’s Fresh-Picked pincushion pattern. Also, the pattern for the spiderweb string quilt pattern that I am working on can be found here.

Out of My Ordinary

I love to sew all things and I do sew all things, but I have never really made many garments. (Besides the occasional Halloween costume.) Well, I stepped it up and made my first big girl project. With help from a teacher, I made Amy Butler’s Liverpool Tunic. I have to admit, I’m kinda proud of myself. (I think my hubby was little impresses, too.)

Keeping Busy

Sewing has really consumed be lately. I feel like I have really been getting these UFO’s of mine checked off my list. I got this purse made over the weekend. I plan on making a bigger version of it soon. (Hopefully sooner than later.)
I’m teaching a class on this purse tomorrow, so I thought I would make up another sample as kind of a refresher before I teach it. It has been so long since I made one, I needed to remind myself how it was done. It is Anna Maria Horner’s Ruthie Clutch pattern.

I also got this Amy Butler Big Sky Hat put together. I am planning on having it as a class at Karen Gray Design in March. It goes together really nicely and makes me feel like Spring is just around the corner. Even though I am getting a ton of sewing done because the cold weather, I am ready for the cold and snow and rain to go away.

Can I just tell everyone what a great husband I have. I taught class tonight and when I returned home late this evening, he had Fletch all ready for bed. He had also gone to the grocery store (which I hate doing almost as much as I hate cooking dinner, maybe more) and he had the 5 or so baskets of laundry I have been ignoring for the past week folded and put away. What could be better! Love Him!

Holy Scrap!

This is out of control. These are my scrap baskets. What the heck is a girl to do with this scrap load of scraps?
Make these cute little wristlets, that’s what!

You can find this great pattern here. They are fun to make and made no dent what-so-ever in my scrap basket. I guess that means I can make plenty more. I think these snow days are good for my productivity. I say it’s up a good 70 percent.