For things to be crazy and busy in my life is pretty much the norm, but for the last 2 weeks, it has been uber busy and uber crazy. I wanted to update everyone on the quilt I made to raffle off for the Rally For The Cure Golf Tournament to support Breast Cancer Research. The tournament was last Wednesday and Laurie Borgerson was the lucky winner. All totaled, the raffle raised $906. Thanks to all of the ladies from Oak Valley and my quilting buddies for selling tickets and buying tickets. There is no way we could have sold that many without you! The golf tournament was a big success. I think they raised much more than they ever expected. I was glad I got to be a part of it. I wish I could have attended the tournament, but I was working at the furniture market.

Furniture market was fun and exhausting, as usual. I love helping to set up the showroom, but I am always glad when it is over and I can get back to my “normal” routine. I thought I would share a few pics of the showroom.

Isn’t the chest on top of the dresser fab! As always, we have a lot of product to show and not enough space, so we have to get creative with our displays.

Sandel, the talented artist who paints all the furniture and develops the product painted the floor in this area. Not a bad way to spruce up some boring concrete, huh!
Here is some new product with a little modern feel.
Coastal, very romantic this time.

New chest painted with beautiful sunflowers. I’m not a huge fan of sunflowers, but I do love this chest. It would look good in my foyer.
As always, everything came together and looks great. High Point International Furniture Market started on Saturday and runs through the week. After I wrapped things up there on Friday, I came home to my waiting husband and little boy who had the truck packed and ready to go to the mountains. It was cold and rainy at the mountains, but after a week and a half of market, it was nice to relax there.
Fletcher has a little bit of a cold today, so I kept him home from preschool. It’s that time of year I guess. These colds come on so quickly. I think I’m getting it, too. Who has time to be sick? Not me!
Needless to say, I have gotten very, very little sewing done. I haven’t even had time to do laundry, let alone sew. This week will be spent playing catch up on everything I have pushed off to the side. There are quilts and stockings and purses and dirty bathrooms, and dishes and the grocery store and….you get the picture. A lot!