Category Archives: design

Back to Normal

My life is finally close to getting back to normal, or what I consider normal. Today is going to be my last day of setting up for furniture market. I am taking my camera today so I can share all that we have done. The showroom looks the best it ever has. I’m exhausted and I have piles and piles of laundry and housework waiting for me when I’m done. I also have a little boy that I have been missing and can’t wait to spend time with him. The laundry can wait!
All this work designing at market has also inspired a redo of my living room and I’ll share that too as soon as I get caught up.

Furniture Market

This week I started working at Furniture Market in High Point. I help a dear friend set up the Guildmaster Showroom. We have to fit a lot of furniture in a limited amount of space, so we have come up with some pretty creative ways to display things, including hanging furniture from the ceiling. The picture is from the Design Fusion Collection which was introduced a couple of markets ago. It is great fun and I always enjoy the time I get to spend setting up. It is exhausting and there are some late nights, but the final result is always beautiful and creative and inspiring. I’ll post pictures of this market soon…