Category Archives: BOM class

Nancy’s Quilt




I didn’t get many pictures of Nancy’s Quilt or even one of the whole quilt, but her are a few of here beautiful Imari Plate quilt. She was in Kathleen and my BOM class at The Little General. Great job, Nancy!

Joyce’s Imari Plate Quilt

This is Joyce’s Imari Plate Quilt from the Block of the Month Class that Kathleen and I are teaching at The Little General Fabric Boutique. It is the first one that I have gotten to custom quilt. I just love Joyce’s fabric selection for this quilt. It is really well done and Joyce is a fabulous piecer.
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BOM Class Now Scheduled – Sign up Today!

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Kathleen and I just finished teaching the last class in our Imari Plates Block of the Month and we could not have been more thrilled with the group of ladies in the class and the amazing quilts they all produced! Each quilt is just as stunning as the next. They all turned out so different and so beautiful. Above are just a few of the quilts from the class. My bad photography skills do not do them justice.

Kathleen and I have a third round of our BOM starting this fall. It will the the 4th Saturday of every month from 9:00-10:30 am at The Little General Fabric Boutique in Reynolda Village. The BOM will $25 per class and there will be six classes. We would love to have you join us for this great BOM. If you are interested, please feel free to contact me using the form below.

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Scrappy Lemoyne Star Quilt Pattern

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Lemoyne Star Quilt

Designed by Gina Allen

 51” X 68”


The Lemoyne Star blocks were constructed using Deb Tucker’s Rapid Fire Lemoyne Star Ruler © and the Tucker Trimmer III© ruler.

1/8 yard of 12 Assorted Prints for Stars (1.5 yards total)

3½ yards Background Fabric for the Stars, Squares and Setting Triangles

3¾ yard Backing Fabric

½ yard Binding Fabric

59” x 76” Batting

Cutting Instructions:

Cut (1) 3 ¼” strip from each of the 12 Assorted Prints. These strips will be used for the points of the Lemoyne Star Block.


Cut (12) 4 ¾” strips from the background. These strips will be used for the background of the Lemoyne Star Blocks.

Cut (2) 12 ½” strips. Sub cut each 12 ½” strips into (3) 12 ½” squares for a total of (6) 12 ½” squares

Cut (2) 18 1/8” strips. Sub cut (3) 18 1/8” squares from these strips. Cut each 18 1/8” square diagonally twice (from upper left corner to lower right corner and upper right corner to lower left corner).  These will be the setting triangles used in the sides, top and bottom of the quilt. A total of (10) setting triangles are needed.

From the fabric remaining from the 18 1/8” cut, cut (2) 9 3/8” squares. Sub cut each square once on the diagonal. These will be the (4) setting triangles used for the corners of the quilt.

Block Construction: Pair together a 3¼” strip with a 4 ¾” strip for the star block. You will need 6 pairs for the Star blocks. Each pair will yield enough to make 2 star blocks. (12) 12 ½” Lemoyne star blocks are used in this quilt. Using the directions provided with the Rapid Fire Lemoyne Star Ruler, piece together 12 star blocks.

Layout the quilt referring to the quilt diagram. Sew the blocks together in diagonal rows. Press the seam allowances open.

Layer the quilt top with batting and backing. Quilt as desired.

From the binding fabric, cut (6) 2” strips for binding.

lemoyne star


BOM Class

The BOM class that Kathleen and I have put together begins this Saturday at The Little General. I am so excited about this class. We met with most of the ladies who are taking the class Tuesday night at The Little General. They got a little class preview and then they all went to town picking out the most amazing fabric combinations for their quilts. No two quilts are going to be the same and judging by the fabric choices, they are all going to be beautiful. I can’t wait to see how they all turn out. I think I am even ready to resort to some sort of bribery to get them to stay on task and finish these in the next six months. I want to see them all done, that.bad! (no pressure, ladies) 

This is the Jedi Master, Kathleen’s quilt. She taught me to quilt and now I get to teach WITH her. So cool. If nothing else, it should be entertaining. (and I have learned, if all else fails, have a giveaway!)
Kathleen and I have had a great response for this class and have begun a waiting list for a Sunday class. If you are interested in joining us for a Sunday BOM class, email me and I will add you to the list. 

A Finish- Finally

So happy I finally finish this quilt. Just in the nick to time, too. Our class has a little pre-class meeting tonight to select fabrics. (I will get some better pictures to show you. It’s rainy here today and I need to get a couple people taller than 4′, a.k.a my kids, to hold it up.)
I got a new pantograph and decided to use it on my quilt. It is called Centerra. (Told you that my buying these is a little out of control. They are about as addictive to buy as fabric.) I also used one layer of Quilter’s Dream Poly batting and one layer of Quilter’s Dream Wool batting. I really love how using the double batting worked out. The quilting stands out and it is so comfy, cuddle-ie. 
While I’m at it… I might as well show you the other addition to my growing pantograph selection. 
It is called Chamomile. It looks great all quilted up. I just used it on a sweet little quilt for a customer’s granddaughter. 

So Close

My BOM sample is almost done. I’m soooo close. Maybe with a little after the boys bedtime sewing, I’ll have it done by the end of the week. I will be glad to have it done so I can work on my new Denyse Schmidt quilt. I have exercised some major self control by not abandoning the BOM to work on it. I have a deadline to meet.

Lemoyne Stars

I only have a few more Lemoyne Stars to make before I can get the sample for the BOM class finished.  My teaching counterpart finished hers yesterday and rubbed it in my face that she finished first. Whateva- I’m pretty sure mine is gonna get quilted first!