Patchwork +

Jenny was a little tired of the cows getting all the quilty love. She wanted to get in on some of the action. Isn’t she sweet!
I finally got the chance to do a little photo session with the cows and this quilt. It is the patchwork chevron I made for my bed. (One of my completed UFO’s of the year.) I completed it in early January, but the weather has been nasty so the outdoor photos have been delayed. 
BTW- That ain’t chocolate milk people! It’s poooooop! Thanks to the hubs for not getting any on the quilt. 😉

5 Responses to Patchwork +

  1. Katie says:

    beautiful quilt Gina — that little donkey is so cute as well.

  2. Paige says:

    Wait, is this your land? I want to come on a field trip to your house!

  3. I love how the cows are looking back toward the quilt, they must appreciate it too, so cheery! Little Jenny is so cute…if I only had a need for a donkey 🙂

  4. Yay! A completed UFO. It’s very nice.

  5. Can I just come over there and rub those sweet donkey ears? I love her!