Ziggin’ & Zaggin’

 I finished quilting this really cool quilt for Laurie yesterday. I think it is pretty awesome. She made it for her daughter. I think she did a beautiful job.
The hardest part for me about quilting all of these super fabulous quilts is that I want to keep them all for myself when they are done! Wonder if any of my customers would go for that?!?

2 Responses to Ziggin’ & Zaggin’

  1. Charlotte says:

    You do long-arm quilting? I love the look of this quilt. My mother does the old-fashioned hand quilting.

  2. Debg says:

    That quilt is beautiful and your quilting is amazing!!!…I hope you don’t get into the habit of keeping things you have done or gotten for other people. I will have to find out where you live????