I cannot tell you how long this quilt has been on my UFO list and I have put my mind to it to get it done. Today I finally got the main part of the quilt top finished. Or at least I think it’s finished. I have been ignoring that little voice in the back of my head that keeps saying I need to add another row to the bottom before I put on the borders. I’m ignoring it because that would mean I would have to make 20 more triangles so I could make 5 more blocks. Ehhh. I know that 20 triangles isn’t that much more when I have made so many already, but I feel like it has taken me fooore-v-e-r just to get to this point. The thought of having to make more just makes me tired. I should just slap a border on this sucker and check it off my UFO list. Right?!? Too bad that same little voice is also saying that a pretty pieced border out of all my scraps would be nice too. Oh, what to do, what to do?!? I think I better sleep on it. I could be easily persuaded, though.
I think a pieced border would be great.
I know what you’re saying but I think you should march on and finish it right.–easy for me to say
it looks so gorgeous. you did a great job
I say finish like it is…use a white border…and pieced binding.
I vote for a quick border. Then you can start something else. That would be more fun! It’s a perfect “throw around” size anyway.
I agree – it is beautiful as it is now. Besides, those partial blocks form a border all around – if you add more to the bottom row then the top row will need more. I like the idea of a white border and pieced binding! Tell us – what did you decide? Sue in sunny Florida
It is very pretty! I can imagine it made a little dent in the scrap pile which is always good.
This quilt is just stunning. Can’t imagine the countless hours of work you’ve put in already! A solid border would “frame” it nicely, with a colorful binding! Or a larger 2inch binding with contrasting thread! Can barely wait to see the final results!
Oh, this is beautiful! I think a border would “finish it off”, too. Can’t wait to see it finished!
It is wonderful as is! Put a “plain” border on and it will be fab.
Listen to that voice, ask me how I know.
Lovely, finish as YOU WISH!
Looks great Gina, I just posted mine on my blog too. I am not adding borders, I like it just the way it is. I am using left over binding so it will be scrapy too. Happy 4th.
It is beautiful. Listen to the voice.
It’s charming, and one of my favorite patterns.
Just wanted you to know we miss your blog posts and seeing your lovely work!!