Holy Scrap!

This is out of control. These are my scrap baskets. What the heck is a girl to do with this scrap load of scraps?
Make these cute little wristlets, that’s what!

You can find this great pattern here. They are fun to make and made no dent what-so-ever in my scrap basket. I guess that means I can make plenty more. I think these snow days are good for my productivity. I say it’s up a good 70 percent.

6 Responses to Holy Scrap!

  1. allsewnup says:

    These are waaaay too cute! What are you going to do with them all?? By the way ~ that’s a great looking pile of scrap ;)!!


  2. aSprinkling says:

    So cute! I have to say that I’m WAY jealous of that scrap pile. I aspire to one day do enough projects to have that kind of pile!

  3. Leslie says:

    i love these…that is a lot of pretty fabrics in your scrap basket

  4. Katherine says:

    I’m so jealous of your scraps! Those wristlets are adorable! I could think of a million things to do with that many little pieces of fabric!

  5. Ellen says:

    absolutely fantastic, Gina! love the wristlets, love the scrap pile, love your blog title.

  6. Wa-a-a-a-y cute! Scrap projects never seem to make a dent in the stash… why is that?