I’ve keep my momentum going this weekend and I got another UFO a little closer to being checked off my list. I finished piecing this disappearing 9-patch and I got a border put on it. It is all ready to be quilted and the binding put on. I hope to get that completed this week. I’ll be glad to get this checked off the list.

Here’s my little buddy in his “fort” made from my quilts. He has really enjoyed playing in it.

It got a little out of control and took over the whole living room. Hubby and I ended up huddling in the corner in the only chair left to sit in. We have now convinced Fletch to make it smaller and freed up a couple chairs, but he won’t give up the ottomans.
I’ll be picking the winner of the Ruffle Clutch giveaway tomorrow. I didn’t mention it, but I am going to draw a random number to determine the winner.
This quilt (the first one) intrigues me. The colours are stunning.
i really love a disappearing 9 patch…they look so pretty. all those quilts all together look so pretty. forts are fun. what a pretty rug you have.
My children loved making forts when they were smaller — now the cats do it. Seriously! I caught one of the cats deliberately pulling quilts off of a quilt rack, then burrowing down into them to hide and take a nap!
what a great fort!