So yesterday was bananas and I had a little micro meltdown, but today I’m over it and back on track. I have accomplished a lot of sewing in the last week or two, but I have not had time to post about it. This is a “mini Marlo” I made for my friends little neighbor. Isn’t it cute! It’s the Marlo Bloom pattern reduced about 20% and it is the perfect size for a little girl. I have also completed the Wonky Star quilt that I was making for Fletcher and as soon as I take photos of it, I’ll get it posted for you all to see. Also, I haven’t forgotten about the sewing caddy tutorial, but I have not had time to put one together. As soon as I get a chance, I will. I put some notes together about it, but heck if I can find what I did with them. (It might just be later than sooner.)
That little handbag is sooo stinkin cute! I love love love it! I love getting to peek at what you sew! Thanks! Libby
My neice would think this is the coolest….but I need to make my bow tuck tote before plowing into more designs!
that is soooo cute!