Has this ever happened to you? It’s not your fault. It is just the chance we take when working with fusible interfacing. I know, you try to be careful, but no matter how hard you try, it’s gonna happen. So what do you do when it does? Ignore it and risk getting transfer on your beautiful fabric every time you press or iron? (hate when that happens) Try to clean it with those “iron cleaning” products that just don’t seem to cut it no matter how hard you rub. (and risk burning yourself, because you have to have the iron hot for them to work) Well, no more ladies. Introducing (something that is probably under your kitchen sink as we speak)…..
Glass Cook Top Cleaner you say, and I say…. “yes siree bob!” Glass Cook Top Cleaner!
It works great, you don’t have to use it on a hot iron (so no burnt arms and fingers) and it is a lot less expensive than those “iron cleaning” products.
So there you have it. Don’t say I never gave you nothing….
Great tip Gina! Thanks =)
i am going to file that one away under handy things to know….it is a awesome solution
That’s great! My iron does have fusible stuck to it… shhh….
Dang…I have been trying to use my gunky iron as an excuse to buy a new one!! but I have to try this!! Thanks for the tip! Libby
This is awesome! THANKS for sharing! I’m on it! I am going to give it a try ASAP!
Greetings from California!
So smart of you to even think of that. WOW!
Excellent idea. My expensive iron looks dreadful right now. I’ll try it this week-end. Thanks