My Little Corner

This is my new little corner. I found this great rug at Home Goods which inspired a little up dating of my living room. I wanted a desk to put here so that I could put my new Featherweight on it, but I could not find one in my price range (free) so I sent my husband out to one of the buildings on the farm and we dug out the metal industrial looking table. It was under piles of lumber and my husband was not too happy about that, but he got it out for me anyway. He still doesn’t understand exactly why I would want this table in our house, but I think it is cool. The drapes are new. In the middle of all this sewing window treatments for market, I decided that I needed new ones to go with the new rug, of course. I never liked the old ones and I got the fabric at a store that sells it for $2 a yard. How can you beat that! I got the mirror from Walmart for $20 and the painting from Guildmaster. The glass jars and flower are from Home Goods and I stole the stool out of my parents garage. That little quilt hanging on the rack is the first quilt I ever made. It’s a little nine-patch lap quilt. Oh, and that deer head….that is my husbands latest addition to our living room. (I have my hobbies, he has his!)

2 Responses to My Little Corner

  1. Nane says:

    Looks great, my new master bath is painted a similar color. Look Salem Stitcher…bucky gets to stay at her house!!!

  2. It’s a gorgeous room, Gina, deer head and all. If the deer around here keep munching on my Hosta they will find themselves similarly displayed!